
Pro Bono (PIL)

Rashna Imam takes the lead in all pro bono work that the firm does. We also believe that probono work is an excellent way for junior lawyers to gain experience. We are registered with i-probono, a non-profit online network connecting civil society organisations and social businesses in need of legal assistance with lawyers who want to use their legal skills for the public good. The network’s global outreach enables people to engage in projects from around the world and allows organisations to source assistance across jurisdictions.

For details on i-probono, please see:

Representative Work:

Representative Work:

  • Child Protection Policy: Reviewed and vetted Bangladesh Legal Aid Services Trust (BLAST) Child Protection Policy to ensure consistency with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Children Act 2013;
  • Improve health-seeking behavior of young HIV patients: Reviewed an Agreement for Services between BLAST and AsharAlo Society (NGO) in relation to Link Up Bangladesh, a project of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance running independently under the supervision of AsharAlo Society; the project aims to reach 510,000 young people affected by HIV to increase their health-seeking behaviours; increase uptake of quality integrated maternal health service and family planning and HIV information and services; and to uphold their sexual and reproductive rights. The project will sensitize and train 3,696 people to protect and promote Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (“SRHR”) of young people.
  • Sexual and reproductive health and rights: Reviewed and vetted Agreement between BLAST and JPGSPH Brac University for implementation of the Project ‘Recognizing Consent and Choice’ (RCC). RCC involves capacity building and advocacy activities focused on creating greater understanding of sexual and reproductive health and rights, particularly among legal and SRHR practitioners, journalist, and students.
  • Patenting of invention: Assisted Tech Geeks with the patenting of a product they have developed that will help people with hearing or speaking disabilities communicate better.